Seminari per la chiamata di due RTDA - SSD INF/01
Con riferimento alla chiamata di due Ricercatori a Tempo Determinato di tipologia A per il Settore scientifico disciplinare INF/01, si comunica che in data 20 febbraio 2023, su Google Meet si terranno i seguenti seminari:
- alle ore 10:00 il dott. Marco Raoul Marini presenterà il Seminario per il Settore concorsuale 01/B1 - CODICE CONCORSO 2022RTDAPNRR052;
Titolo: Novel Frontiers in Advanced Human-Computer Interactions for Virtual and Augmented Reality
Abstract: In recent years, current devices' computational power and hardware have allowed VR and AR technologies to be massively deployed in research and production applications. In this context, natural interaction is becoming a critical requirement to provide an immersive experience for the user. Advanced techniques exploiting deep learning and computer vision principles can provide relevant support in this task, highlighting strengths and open problems of transparent interfaces. - alle ore 10:30 la dott.ssa Viviana Arrigoni presenterà il Seminario per il Settore concorsuale 01/B1 - CODICE CONCORSO 2022RTDAPNRR051
Titolo: Communication networks management for reliability and efficiency
Abstract: Communication networks have enormously changed daily people’s lifestyles. The worldwide Internet coverage is increasing yearly, just like the number of provided services. New communication protocols are arising, posing new challenges to the networking research community. For these reasons, reliable and efficient network management is of paramount relevance. The presented research covers several aspects of network management, including failure localisation through Network Tomography, Network Recovery after massive failures, energy-efficient software-defined networks and networks of drones for parcel deliveries. The methodologies adopted for these tasks span from combinatorial optimisation to Bayesian analysis and pave the way to several future directions.