Avviso Seminario RTDB Perelli
Date: Lunedì 9 Settembre
Time: 09.00
Venue: https://meet.google.com/kwy-mqsv-beb
Speaker: Giuseppe Perelli
Titolo: Repair mechanisms for Synthesis and Rational Synthesis
Abstract: Synthesis is the problem of programming an intelligent agent and its interaction with the environment in a way that its behaviour is correct by construction, that is, it fulfils a given task no matter how the environment reacts. Rational Synthesis is a recent evolution of Synthesis for Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), in which the setting is now viewed as a multi-player game, where each agent has their own specification/utility. In this setting, synthesizing a correct behaviour amounts to finding equilibria in the corresponding game. However, such equilibria are not always guaranteed to exist. This might be due to a number of reasons such as: model approximations, human mistakes, faulty communication. Recently, I have worked around this problem by developing and implementing different formal methods techniques that aim at repairing MAS models, with the aim of improving the quality of solutions for Synthesis and Rational Synthesis problems. In this seminar, I will present an overview of the current results and outline potential future research directions in this field.