Biografia di Gorla, Daniele

Daniele Gorla obtained his degree in Computer Science from the “Sapienza” University of Rome in December 2000

In 2001 he undertook postgraduate work with the “Dipartimento di Sistemi ed Informatica” of the University of Firenze, where, in 2004, he obtained his Ph.D. in 'Informatica ed Applicazioni' under the joint supervision of Professors Rocco De Nicola and Rosario Pugliese.

In 2003 he obtained a 'Marie Curie' fellowship at the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK), where, in 2005, he spent 3 months as a visitor.

From October 2003 to February 2006 he was in receipt of a research grant in the “Dipartimento di Informatica” of the “Sapienza” University of Rome, where he obtained tenure as a Researcher in March 2006.

He was an invited speaker at the SecCo'03 Workshop, affiliated to ICALP'03.He also performed the following roles at international events: Organizer and PC co-chair of the 'SecCo'07 Workshop: “Security Issues in Concurrency”, affiliated to CONCUR'07; Member of the Program Committee and Panel for the 'EXPRESS'07 Workshop: “Expressiveness in Concurrency”, affiliated to CONCUR'07; Organizer and PC Co-Chair for the EXPRESS'08 and EXPRESS'09, affiliated to CONCUR.

He is a Visiting Professor at the PPS Laboratory of the University of Paris VII.


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